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HI Tom,

Thanks for this, but my basic question was whether there's an easier way than using macros :) I'm 
not frightened by macro programming (I wrote my first ever program in about 1961, and was in the 
profession for far too many years). Except for the difficulty in working out which method applies 
to which object, but that's a documentation issue.

Best regards,


Thursday, January 26, 2017, 2:49:47 PM, you wrote:

Hi :) 
Chapter 13 of the "Getting Started with LibreOffice" Guide may help with 
understanding macros.  There is an outstandingly good entire book about 
LibreOffice/OpenOffice macros by Andrew Pitonyak but that probably goes 
into far more detail than you need right now. 
Regards from 
Tom :) 

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