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On 01/20/2017 07:31 AM, Gary Collins wrote:
I would like to either
1)  copy text without the footnotes but retaining formatting
Or 2) strip all footnotes from text after pasting.
Is this possible in writer?

Hi Gary

What package are you copying from and the pasting to? It depends on the packages.

Why are you using copy/paste? Are you copying the whole document or just a few pages of it?

Retaining Formatting - do you want to have blank lines where the footnotes were?

If you are having a lot of footnotes in the document, and not just a "page footer" like page number, then you have to decide which is easiest for you to do. Personally, if there are not many footnotes, then I might want to just edit them out and make sure you remove the "footnote indicators" - i, ii, *, or other superscript characters.

I know that there use to be extensions to deal with footnotes easier, but it has been a long time since I was creating a long document needing any.

I hope what I just typed give you any information to help find the proper options. Sorry if I did not.

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