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Doesn't work for me but seems to try to do something.

The article is 4 years old and based on Openoffice - so maybe something
changed and someone here can spot the problem?

Here is the code from the linked article:

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Sub refreshAllSheetLinks()
   oEnum = thisComponent.SheetLinks.createEnumeration
   while oEnum.hasMoreElements
      oLink = oEnum.NextElement
End Sub

Sub Main
end sub

On Mon Jan 16 2017 16:23:46 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time), Cley Faye
<> wrote:
Ok, I can't test this right now, but this page might have an acceptable

The part about adding a nice button have a small macro in it. Here it's
used for linked CSV files, but since the dialog asking to update links
that's shown when you reload your file is the same, maybe the same
procedure works.

Other than that I didn't find a quicker way to reload external references
than file->reload->accept the dialog that asks for refresh :(

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