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Scratch this... I actually decided to go ahead and create these for
anyone who asked, but discovered these work as expected.

So, it must have something to do with the VLOOKUP I'm using. I'm working
on recreating these, and will follow-up once I'm done.

That said, if anyone knows how to use relative references to external
spreadsheets (meaning, the reference assumes the referenced spreadsheet
is in the same location/directory as the one calling it), I'd be most

On Tue Jan 17 2017 12:26:26 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time), Tanstaafl
<> wrote:
On Mon Jan 16 2017 18:16:28 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time), m.a.riosv
<> wrote:
Please could you share sample files to test?

I can't share the specific files, they contain sensitive financial

But it should be easy to recreate...

Create two spreadsheets, 'A' and 'B'

Define column A in spreadsheet 'A' as Number/Currency, enter some
numbers in column A

Define column A in spreadsheet 'B' as Number/Currency, define formula to
reference column A in spreadsheet 'A', fill down to include rows in
spreadsheet 'A' with nothing in them

Sort column A in spreadsheet 'B' in descending order

Note that all of the blank cells are sorted ABOVE the ones with values,
when they should be sorted BELOW (treated as zeros, so less than any non
blank/zero value).

Sorting the same rows directly in spreadsheet 'A' puts the empty cells
BELOW the cells with values

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