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Hi Juergen,

Juergen Kunzmann schrieb:
Hi folks,

I've following problem since updating libre office to the actual version.
on a spreadsheet "00" i defined two names for two fields: "ds" for field
O2 and "fs" for field P2.
so it was (and should be!) possible to calcualte a formula on other
spreadsheets like "=G7/ds*fs".
It worked in the past, but now I get a "DIV/0!" error on this formula,
even if the value in field ds is not zero.
If I type "=G8/'00'.O2*'00'.P2" all things are working fine...
any ideas?
Do you have defined the names so that they have a global scope?

How did you define the names? If you do it via the name field, they will have a global scope automatically. If you do it via Sheet > Named Ranges and Expressions > Define, you need to set it in this dialog.
In case you do not know, look at menu Sheet > Named Ranges and 
Expressions > Manage.
Kind regards

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