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Hi :)
I think you can just click into the ToC and edit as you like.  If you do
add text in there it might be a good idea to keep a copy of that text
outside the document somewhere because when/if you "update" the ToC from
the right-click menu then it reverts to the standard layout again.

Good luck!
Regards from
Tom :)

On 11 October 2016 at 13:53, Julian Brooks <> wrote:

Hi all,

In my Master Document I have a couple of Appendices.
One of the appendices is a bunch of scores, rendered as 'png's.
These scores take up the whole page, and I don't want them to have headers
(all the info is already on the score/png.

I would like these scores/png's to have titles and page numbers in the ToC
- how can I do this please?

Many thanks in advance,


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