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El 2016-09-25 20:07, Dave escribió:
Can someone tell me what Writer defines as "Objects"? The term seems to
be loosely and often inaccurately used in menus and the "Help" facility.
For example, drawing items appear to be defined a "Objects", but then 
do frames.

According to the "Help" facility:
An object is a screen element containing data. It can refer to
application data, such as text or graphics.
Objects are independent and do not influence each other. Any object
containing data can be assigned certain commands. For example, a graphic
object has commands for image editing 8<-- snip -->8 ."

A totally inaccurate and contradictory "garbled" statement in itself.

In the "Help" facility, the "Selecting;Objects" section also makes
totally false, inaccurate and meaningless claims about selecting and
grouping *ALL* those things claimed to be "Objects".

AFAICT the only genuine Writer "Objects" are "Drawing Objects". Does
anyone know of any other genuine Writer "Objects"?
Math objects are "valid" as well. You can also insert a Calc table on a 
Writer document, for example, in which case it will be an object. It is 
also possible to insert a "Writer object" into Draw.
Frames can be considered as objects in part because they can display the 
content of external documents: this is how master documents work.
A common feature of all objects is that when you try to manipulate their 
content the "parent" program will open: double click on an equation will 
open Math, double click on a Calc table inserted in Writer will open 
Calc and so on.


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