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On 09/24/2016 07:28 AM, jorge wrote:
> I'm sorry, ... it looks worst
> Jorge Rodríguez
> El sáb, 24-09-2016 a las 12:20 +0000, jorge escribió:
>> Hi  again:
>> I hope in this way you can see better my last e-mail:
>> At first you have to copy the headers of your table at you side of you
Ok.  Did that.  Those are shown in attached in E2:G2
>>> table for example or at the end if it isn't big.
>>> Then you have to add the filter that you need and put bellow of the
>>> header that you want to filter.
I'm not sure what this means.  When you say "add the filter" I guess
that means under the "select_op" column I should put a comparison
operator such as > or >= or <=.  Is that right?  But where can I put
the logical operators, AND or OR, that are available with the
Standard Filter?
>>> Then run the wizard : Advanced Filter (Before select the table that you
>>> want to filter) and in options you can select where to put the datas
>>> filtereds.
Where do I find this wizard : Advanced Filter? I looked under
File>Wizards; however, there was no mention Advanced Filter among the
Wizards listed
>>> Example:
>>>          Province
>>>             Sells
>>>             Costs
>>>           Profits
>>>          Alajuela
>>>                10
>>>                 2
>>>                 8
>>>        Puntarenas
>>>                20
>>>                 1
>>>                19
>>>             Limón
>>>                20
>>>                 4
>>>                16
>>>           Heredia
>>>                10
>>>                 7
>>>                 3
>>>          San José
>>>                20
>>>                 5
>>>                15
>>> Alajuela
>>>                10
>>>                 8
>>>                 2
>>> Heredia
>>>                40
>>>                 9
>>>                31
>>> Puntarenas
>>>                50
>>>                12
>>>                38
>>> Advanced Filter:(Read Filter Criteria From)
>>> Province
>>> Sells
>>> Costs
>>> Profits
>>>> 20

I'm guessing that this is:

  > 20

and it's a row underneath the Province column in the filter table?

>>> Results of Advance data Filtereds:
>>> Province
>>> Sells
>>> Costs
>>> Profits
>>> Heredia
>>>                40
>>>                 9
>>>                31
>>> Puntarenas
>>>                50
>>>                12
>>>                38
>>> In this case, we filtered the column Sells to show only Province that
>>> have sells higher than 20
>>> El sáb, 24-09-2016 a las 16:49 -0500, Larry Evans escribió:
>>>> I selected Data>Filter>Advanced Filter; however,
>>>> I had no idea what to do next.  I selected Help button,
>>>> which sent my browser to:
>>>> which was, again, no help.
>>>> How do I fill out the "Advanced Filter" dialog?
>>>> -regards,
>>>> Larry

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