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Hi Henrik,

I am afraid I can't help but I will post this to the mailing list. Maybe someone can point Henrik in the right direction for a technical/bit torrent problem.

Otherwise, it may be worth posting this problem to the bugzilla at:

I did a search but no useful matches found


On 13/09/16 00:15, Henrik Worrmann wrote:
I am not sure if this is the proper way to answer, as I am unexperienced with the system LibreOffice is using, and I more or less got to read the answers accidentally.. Thus I just answer you via email, if that is okay.

The reference email:

Your answer:

Only the BT-clients µTorrent and BitTorrent (which share the same source code, just different colors and different names) experience the problem, from version 3 (µTorrent) or version 7.5 (BitTorrent) and upwards. You can take any torrent of LibreOffice - the problem seems to be between the client and LibreOffice's tracker. Even a fresh (re-)install of µTorrent/BitTorrent does *not* fix the problem. Of course I fiddled around a little with the settings, but I definitely did not modify any settings concerning some key-specific thing.

As I said, BT-clients based on libtorrent (qBittorrent/Deluge for reference) work well with the tracker; I assume this applies to Transmission too. Tixati reports no problem either. It is just µTorrent/BitTorrent that report the problem mentioned in my first e-mail.

Now, I have no idea which tracker software LibreOffice is using, but any other open tracker such as / / ... work fine with every client. They both run OpenTracker as tracker software, AFAIK.

Best regards,
Henrik Worrmann

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