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I highly suggested getting L3 support to keep your organization up to date on stuff. Absent a contract agreement, there is /no guarantee/. Volunteers do things as they want. Generally security issues are tackled quickly but if you're looking for a group of volunteers to be your personal support contractors and guarantee the product at no cost, that's not going to happen.
You can find info here:


On 8/22/2016 7:48 AM, Mukesh Chaurasia wrote:
Hi Team,

We are evaluating LibreOffice to use in our organization. Keeping in mind features and ease of use, 
we have found this product good for our requirement.

We have below queries related to security. Request your help in getting responses to these queries.

1.       What is the procedure for patch updates for LibreOffice?

2.       How will I get the information that any vulnerability has identified in LibreOffice?

3.       How will I get the information about new updates available for LibreOffice?

4.       Who will support us in case if any outbreaks happens due to any vulnerabilities?

5.       What is timeline to provide the fix to any vulnerability?

Mukesh Chaurasia
Intelenet Global Services
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