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Hi :)  
Is it possible to copy a small part of the document as it would appear in
Word and how it appears in Writer so we can see the difference?  If the
document is not confidential then uploading it to Nabble (using the "More"
button to get a drop-down menu and use the top item "Upload a file") might
help.  Nabble injects an html link directly into the message window so that
people can choose to click on that link if they want to see the file.  Other
file-sharing Cloud storage are also good but using them means you have to
copy&paste the link to the file into the message yourself.  

Word is a bit weird with it's formatting and hidden coding.  It doesn't help
that each version of MS Office uses a slightly different file-format, which
makes it difficult for MS Office users to share files sometimes.  

I usually try to open Word files in the same version of Word (if i can) and
then use copy & "paste as text" or copy&paste into a text-editor and then
from there copy&paste again into Writer.  Using keyboard short-cuts that is;

In Word;  
Ctrl a   =  to select all
Ctrl c  = to copy selection to the clipboard

Then in Writer;  
Shift Ctrl c  =  to "paste special", which has about 3 options including
"paste as unformatted text"  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

Robert Funnell wrote
On Mon, 30 May 2016, Piet van Oostrum wrote:

nasrin khaksar wrote:

hello every one.
<:snip />

could you please help her to solve this problem?
thanks for your help and god bless you all.
I am afraid that will be difficult without you giving more details. Maybe
it has to do with the language and/or script in which the document was
I agree that more details are required. Could you perhaps copy and 
paste a few words into your e-mail message from both the original MS 
Word document and the resulting LO Writer document?

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