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       IrfanView & XnView each can do this;
          and when scanning, you can set the printer to B&W.

       Hoping this helps accomplish whatever you're seeking,

From: charles meyer <>
Date: Sat, May 14, 2016 at 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Calling all Graphics People
To: anne-ology <>

Sounds like an interesting project.

Which program did you choose to convert your scanned photo into a
black-white sketch?

As a  struggling actor years ago, one time I was sneaking my 8 x 10 glossy
in for a small role being cast at Warner Brothers. I stumbled quite by
accident into the animators building. They were so nice and understanding
sharing cells and sketches which were amazing and beautiful.

I can't imagine anything substituting for that kind of talent.

My little project so pedestrian in comparison.

Thank you so much!



On 5/14/2016 6:03 PM, anne-ology wrote:

        looks interesting, yet also the same  ;-)
        Well, I did sign up with one group to design new fonts,
           but I don't understand how to get these new fonts to actually
be usable ...
          there must be something more than just pasting them into the
appropriate folder(s)  ;-)

        To convert a photo onto the computer, you might try a couple ideas:

           (1) scan the photo ... then convert this image to a
black-white sketch;
                  you'll get something like a line drawing which you can
then alter as you wish;

           (2) open LO's or another similar program ... sketch in the
diagram which approximates the photo;
                  the outcome will not resemble free hand, rather
something the computer did.

        Oh, BTW, I've watched some of these animated shows which folks
seem to rave that the computer is so good;
                  well, nothing can compare to the details which Walt
Disney's animators drew.

From: *charles meyer* < <>>
Date: Sat, May 14, 2016 at 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Calling all Graphics People
To: anne-ology < <>>

Hi Anne,

I found this ... .. but none which allowed you
to, as you alluded to, hand draw.

I wondered if you've come across any online graphic designer/artists

I'd love to be able to convert a photo into a diagram but I don't have a
lot of graphics software experience.

Thanks so much.


On 5/14/2016 12:50 PM, anne-ology wrote:

       yes, I've done this.

          I have yet to locate a computer program which can even equal
free-hand drawing  ;-)

From: *charles meyer* <
Date: Thu, May 12, 2016 at 1:20 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Calling all Graphics People
To: "
<>" <

Hi Folks,

I was wondering if there were any graphic designers, artists, others
who dabble with graphics in the list?

Please feel free to e-mail me privately s well.

Thanks so much.


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