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Hi Charles and all:

        Until I know, LO for Android is in progress but at this moment as a
viewer only and Alpha or begining Beta version (not stable) for LO as we
use in GNU / Linux and windows.

        There is an other version that could help you and your friend: This is
Aoo (Android OpenOffice). It is a version of OpenOffice for Android.
I've used it and it works good (In general as I probed: Writer, and
Calc). It is the nearest of LO at this moment that I know.

        As I read, Aoo is based on OpenOffice but is not part of Apache

        I suggest to your friend that use keyboard and mouse with your tablet


Jorge Rodríguez

El jue, 05-05-2016 a las 20:52 -0400, charles meyer escribió:
Hi All,

I Googled for Libre Office for Androids to help a friend use LO on her
Android tablet.

I found this...

Anyone on the list using LO for Androids?

Does it come bundled with Libre Writer and Calc?

Thank you,



Jorge Rodríguez

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