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One year ago Calligra had a feature (and probably still has) of presenting a same kind of recovery dialog to the user.

I couldn't tell in advance what was in the recovery and what was in the source.

I pressed open without recovering.

I realized I had lost changes.

The recovery file had already been deleted.

This is Russian Roulette, this is a Casino.

You have to make a blind guess what's gonna be what, and if you press the wrong button, you're fucked.

I mean please everyone, change this system. Whatever software you have or are working on, change this system that seems to be pervasive across open source apps.

Don't recover files that are identical. Perform a diff for fucks sake.

Do just anything that makes it better, pleeeeease. But if you tell the vim crowd, they will laugh you in your face, and maybe this happens here too, I don't know.

Also wanted to say that I think the mailing list overview page of LibreOffice is just outstanding. I absolutely love the colour (green) and the layout and visual design of the page (body) is just beyond excellent. I don't much like the monochrome looking logo (Reminds me of Breeze, and pretty much everyone hates it) and the top bar could be better too, but the entire body of the page including the footers and all is just amazingly done. The only thing that would ever need changing would be the top bar. Doesn't quite entirely agree with it. Anyway.

I guess this is a statement about the entire website and I am not writing to the design team but absolute kudos for this visual appearance and the great ease with which to find information and to subscribe.



Xen schreef op 05-05-2016 14:43:


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