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Bo Siltberg wrote
The site wants me to install a client, what is this client used for?
My antivirus program claims it contained "Variant.Graftor.5639" and
The client is exactly the same as the Dropbox (or Microsoft's OneDrive)
client. It syncs the cloud files with a folder on your drive. The advantage
is that if you don't have internet connection you can still use the offline
LibreOffice to work on the offline file and it will be synced when you are
connected. In addition it is a backup on your own computer so if the cloud
service is discontinued you still have your files, which to me makes all
sense ;)

I believe your antivirus is being overcautious about a program that is
uploading files to the internet (but that is how a sync client should work)

Hope this helps
(again, I'm not affiliated to the service or company, I'm just spreading
what I consider good news, so don't shoot the messenger )

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