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Am 20.04.2016 um 15:45 schrieb martin f krafft:
Hey list,

we are dealing with a rather complex spreadsheet and looking at
Edit→Links, there are literally thousands of links in there that are
no longer used anywhere in the document. Opening the document (and
saving, and sometimes editing, and …) takes several minutes, and we
think this is due to the sheer massive number of links.

We found that links can be individually deleted (broken), but we
were wondering if there's a way to do so in bulk? Or better yet, how
can I automatically remove unused references in this list?

Thanks for any hints,

There are 5 different types of spreadsheet links. Some appear in
menu:Edit>Links, database links can be organized in menu:Data>Define

DDE("soffice";"path_name","ref") and URL links
'file:///path/name.ods'#$Sheet.A1 are established by formula
expressions. Before you can delete them in the links dialog, you have to
remove all formula references.

[Tutorial] External Links In Calc:

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