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hi every one.
a person gave me some txt documents stored with microsoft word with
the unicode encoding.
but when i activate libreoffice open dialog box and select txt choose
encoding, libreoffice has not unicode alone and has only unicode utf-8
for this reason i cant open them properly and my documents which
stored with microsoft word in unicode encoding, its completely
unreadible via libreoffice unicode utf-8 and the characters are not
display in persian!
what should i do to solve them?
the problem is very critical for me and my documents are very valuable for me.
thanks for your help and god bless you all.

-- O people! there has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord
and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy
for the believers.
Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy-- in that they should
rejoice; it is better than that which they gather.
holy quran, chapter 10 verses 57 and 58.

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