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On 03/02/2016 03:46 PM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
Thunderbird is a database of information.  The fact that there is no
data replication built in is not the inhibiting factor to doing so.

It is an email client, nothing more.  If you want replication, you're
going to need some means for all clients to sync.  An IMAP server does
precisely that.

The  use of Key Exchange for the data replication suggests a way of
safely internally exchanging the replicated data.
Most of the engine to use it is already in Thunderbird.
Please see

Why are they not applicable "serverless mail synchronization of local
mail stores"?

Key exchange is simply a method of exchanging encryption keys.  I
mentioned this earlier in the context of directory servers.  However
those are not the same as syncing email over multiple devices and,
again, key exchange requires a server.

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