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I agree with the others that you're probably brushing the trackpad accidentally. However, simply moving the cursor doesn't change your position in the document; you actually have to click to do that. If you're using the trackpad exclusively, as I do, you should be able to turn off just the tapping feature and rely on the buttons to do your clicking.

I'm not familiar with your particular machine, but I have a Sony Vaio and even putting pressure on the surface *beside* the trackpad can sometimes cause the cursor to move (the surface of the trackpad is the same as that of the rest of the keyboard; it's just indented for the trackpad -- works well most of the time, but I occasionally get the jumping cursor, as well, usually just as I'm clicking on where I *think* it is).

Incidentally, if you find the cursor is sometimes sluggish when you try to move it, it's probably the same root cause -- in my case, a heavy palm pad on the keyboard beside the trackpad.

Dave Liesse

On 2/24/2016 10:18, charles meyer wrote:
Hi Folks,

I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop (about 7 years old) running Windows
7. It runs fine and I have no issues with it.

However, when I type in text in a blank document in either Libre
Writer or Word 2003 I’ll complete a sentence or so and then suddenly
the cursor and the last few characters I typed jumps somewhere else in
the plain text document.

I’m not hitting (intentionally) any key to make it do that – it just
jumps around the document at will.

It never does that on the desktop in Libre or Word suggesting it may
be a Toshiba or laptop phenomena.

Has anyone ever encountered this and if so how did you fix it?

Thanks so much!


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