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At 16:38 20/02/2016 -0700, Mars Noname wrote:
In Calc the background color feature of cells is not working.

Er, in exactly what way?

Who can give me any advice in which LO version the background formatting is working properly.

It's probably worth realising that if the whole idea of cell background colouring had failed, someone would have noticed. So, whatever problem you are finding, it is unlikely to be solved simply by using another version of the application itself.

LO V5.0.4.2 on Win7.

At 12:41 21/02/2016 -0700, 1124mars wrote:
therefore I do not understand why this basic feature is not working.

It very probably is.

Do I have to select some specific options?

I think you may have to *deselect* them.

select a cell or row/column
Format cells
select a color + ok

the selected cell/row/column remain white=without the selected color
File/browser preview -> in the browser preview the selected color is visible!

This is an important clue, of course - so I wonder why you kept it a secret in your original query.

But why not on my screen?

I'm guessing here, and I don't have the set-up to test my suggestions. Operating systems can have a "high contrast" setting; your Windows does, and you can find it in Control Panel. The idea of these is that you can modify the appearance of your work *on your display* to make it easier to work, whilst preserving the final appearance of your document when it is printed or whatever. This is not so different from the row number, column letters, and indeed the grid - all of which appear in the screen display but not (at least by default) in the real document. As you say, these screen readability changes do not show up in Page Preview - which instead demonstrates the true appearance of your document.

The exact screen appearance as you work depends on a combination of the high-contrast settings in Windows and your choices in LibreOffice at Tools | Options... | LibreOffice | Accessibility. You may want to experiment with these to see what you prefer.

Alternatively, since you now admit that your actual document behaves as you want, you may choose to do nothing.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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