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Hi Dan,
Thanks for your suggestion!
To test, increased memory settings:
Graphics Cache
- Use for LibreOffice: 20 -> 100
- Memory per object: 5.2 -> 10
- Remove from memory: 0:10 -> 0:30
Cache for inserted objects
- Number of objects: 20 -> 50
Result: issue persists.
Would you recommend me to go even higher? Inside the Windows VM, the
document opens without issues with the default memory settings so I
believe it should be able to do it with these (default and increased)
settings on Linux also...

PatrickOn Sat, 2016-02-13 at 16:16 -0500, elderdanlewis wrote:
Do you have enough memory allocated for LibreOffice? Tools > Options
LibreOffice > Memory. 


-------- Original message --------
From: Patrick Dijkgraaf <> 
Date:02/13/2016  12:54 PM  (GMT-05:00) 
Subject: [libreoffice-users] LO5.1 on Linux - Opening Writer document
takes >1hr 

Hi all, hope you are doing well!

Maybe someone is willing to help me with an issue I am having.

I have this (pretty extensive) LO Writer document. It is ~471 pages
it contains many tables, pictures, cross references, calculations and
custom document properties. The file size is about 28MB. Allthough it
was slow, editing the document with LO up to 5.0.4 (on both Arch
and Windows) was OK.

Today I got updated to LO through the Arch Linux repositories
and now, i run into the following issue:

* The document opens in about 1 minute (which is acceptable,
considering the size and complexity of the document)
* Initially LO says it is about 1644 pages (though it should be about
* For a few seconds LO Writer seems to be responsive
* Then LO becomes unresponsive (soffice.bin pushing one CPU core to
* After more than an hour, LO becomes responsive again and the amount
of pages is a nice 471 again (which is correct)
* I am then able to edit the document

Technical Info:
* Document size: 27MB
* Document type: ODT
* Document editing history: Built in LO 4.x, only edited with LO
versions up to the latest
* LO Version (experiencing the problem):
* OS: Arch Linux, 64-bit (latest updates)
* System hardare: Dell XPS15 (9530) laptop with Intel Core i7 CPU and

Things I've already tried:
* Delete LO configuration (~/.config/libreoffice) -> issue persists
* Save the document with LO5.1 -> Resulting file is only ~22MB (as
opposed to the original: 28MB) -> same issue as with the original
* Disable the use of Java (was enabled by default) -> issue persists
* Open the file in LO (upgrade from 5.0.4)  inside a
Windows 10 (64-bit) VM -> issue does not occur
* Uninstall & Reïnstall of LibreOffice -> issue persists
* Reboot my laptop -> issue persists
* Tried another (smaller) document -> No issue
* Had a friend test it on his Debian machine, running LO 5.1 -> has
the same issue

So it looks like this issue only occurs with large documents (or just
this one?) on Linux versions of LibreOffice 5.1.

Is anybody able and willing to help me on this?
Due to the size of the file and intellectual property reasons, I did
not add (a link to) the file. I can make the file available upon
request, please let me know.

Thanks in advance!





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