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On 01/26/2016 07:18 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 26.01.2016 um 11:47 schrieb Larry Evans:
I've checked that the value returned by the YIELD function:

can be gotten by using [Tools>Goal Seek...] and the PV function:

Is there some way I could use a something like a GOAL_SEEK function
to implement my own version of YIELD?  IOW, without having to go
through the answering of the [Goal Seek] dialog window requesting
Formual cell, Target Value, and Variable cell?



menu:Tools>Goal Seek ?

As mentioned in my message, I've used that from the UI.
What I want is to call some function, GOAL_SEEK, from within
a macro.  Sorry I wasn't clearer.  I'm guessing
YIELD *must* be implemented using some such function, and
I was hoping a macro could somehow get access to that function
even though there's no GOAL_SEEK function in the published
set of functions.

Hope that's clearer.


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