At 12:53 26/01/2016 +0000, Ian McCarthy wrote:
I'm porting a spread sheet from Excel to LibreOffice Calc and I've
fallen over an incompatibility as spread sheet will be used by both
tools is there a switch I can use. The problem =CELL("filename",A1)
in LO returns 'file:///C:/Users/Ian
Mac/Desktop/Accounts15-16.xls'#$Sep 15 whereas in Excel the returned
data is different can't easily paste the excel result here but the
terminal filename is in square brackets is there a way I can either
spot which program I'm using and therefore switch the detection of
the sheet name
Here's a thought: perhaps you don't need to. How are you intending to
use the file name?
o If it is just for human perusal, either in the spreadsheet editing
screen or printed output, it may not matter that the formats vary
slightly. Humans are good at coping with such variations.
o If you need the file name or some part of it in a precise form for
further processing in the spreadsheet, you may well already be
editing it with formulae into the form you require. In that case, it
should be fairly straightforward to construct a single formula that
will extract the exact form you require regardless of which format is
delivered by the CELL() function. There is always the IF() function ...
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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