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Dear Stuart,

Thank you for this very prompt reply.

Tools -> Options -> Paths  entry for "Documents" is blank   and I can't 
edit it. (The others point to ok-looking appdata/roaming directories for 
the correct user)

For  My Documents,  Explorer -> Properties -> Security for all users / 
groups  is the same ie all users are set to Full Control, with 
everything Allowed except Special Permissions. However, again same for 
everyone, all the Allow are grey-ed out; I can't recall if this is 
normal or not. I can edit Deny, but I can't edit allow.

Hope this is diagnostic!


On 26/01/2016 12:55, V Stuart Foote [via Document Foundation Mail 
Archive] wrote:
Launch as your normal user and have a look at the LibreOffice main 
menu Tools -> Options -> Paths panel.  Is it pointing to expected 
folder? Or, to folders of the administrators group member user you 
used for the installation?

If it is point to your user, but you can't edit--you may need to 
change folder permissions using the OS Windows Explorer -> Properties 
-> Security for the folder and take back ownership.  If pointing to 
the admin account--you should be able to edit in the LibreOffice Paths 
panel--or simply exit LibreOffice and delete/rename your corrupt user 

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