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charles meyer wrote:
That data ended up in that fashion because I was trying to create a
simple list of file names of files located on a flash drive and the
only way I recall doing that in Windows XP - now 7 - is to use the DOS
command which then generates that info as I shared.

I was just trying to generate a list of file names alphabetically by
artist/file name for each .mp3 but Windows doesn't seem to do that

If you just want a listing of the files sorted by name, from Window's command prompt:
> dir /on
If you just want the file names without the other metadata (file size, date, etc.), add /b:
> dir /b /on
You can even redirect the output from that command into a file, which avoids line wraps on long file names:
> dir /b /on > filename.txt

For other options on the dir command:
> dir /?


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