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we also believe all prophets, there prophethood and there holy books.
all religions have commen views and ideas, but the religion of islam
is the last divine religion that all prophets, gave good news to there
followers about its comming and prophet mohammad peace be upon him and
his progeny.
the desire of all divine prophets is guidance of mankind.
but all people are born according to divine mettle and nature and the
people  are not sinful from there birthday.
all people are good when they are born and they should try to maintain
there morality, virtues and divine nature.

O people! there has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord
and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy
for the believers.
Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy-- in that they should
rejoice; it is better than that which they gather.
holy quran, chapter 10.

please visit

On 1/21/16, nasrin khaksar <> wrote:
and i pray for you and thank your greeting and peace.
i pray that you study holy quran and the life and sayings of prophet
mohammad peace be upon him and his progeny.
as i mentioned, we believe all divine prophets and also there holy
books and prophethood including prophet jesus peace be upon him.

On 1/21/16, nasrin khaksar <> wrote:
and also we and all belivers of divine religions convince monotheism
and eternity of god.
also we believe that prophet jesus is alive and appeare with emam
mahdi peace be upon him. who is rescue for all mankind.

On 1/21/16, James E. Lang <> wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: nasrin khaksar < >
Sent: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 1:39

hi jim.
thanks for your answer.

[You are very welcome. You were entitled the respect of the best answer
could give. My primary usage of LibreOffice is its spreadsheet
functionality. -- jl]


we believe that prophet jesus is divine messenger and servant of god.

[We believe much more. We believe that there is one God, the creator of
everything including time itself, who exists eternally (with neither
beginning nor end) in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
Nazareth (Christ, the Anointed One, Messiah) is God the Son himself who
lived on earth in human form and who died a physical death on a Roman
in our place as the only final and perfect sacrifice for our sins. He
from the grave on the third day. See Philippians chapter 2 verses 1
11 in the Holy Bible. We believe there is no other way to reconcile with
(Jehovah) than to accept His sacrifice in our place for our sin. I am
that Islamic theology teaches differently but I pray that you will
the teachings in the Holy Bible with an open mind and a joyful heart.
said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father
by Me." He also said, speaking of Jehovah, "I and my Father are one." He
who He says He is or He is a false prophet being either a blatant
or a lunatic. You cannot simply classify Him as a "divine messenger and
servant of god (sic)." -- jl]



O people! there has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord
and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy
for the believers.
Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy-- in that they should
rejoice; it is better than that which they gather.
holy quran, chapter 10.

please visit

O people! there has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord
and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy
for the believers.
Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy-- in that they should
rejoice; it is better than that which they gather.
holy quran, chapter 10.

please visit

O people! there has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord
and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy
for the believers.
Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy-- in that they should
rejoice; it is better than that which they gather.
holy quran, chapter 10.

please visit

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