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Hi Dave,

Dave Koelmeyer wrote on 27-12-15 11:26:

On applying my settings, the bitmap appears with the applied page style
as desired. However, on saving my document and reopening it, the bitmap
in the page style consistently has the AutoFit setting enabled (which
mucks up my bitmap formatting). This persists even if LibreOffice is
exited altogether and re-opened.

I'm running LibreOffice Version: Is anyone else please able to
recreate this or otherwise give me a pointer as to what is going on here?
Thanks for the clear description.
I tried it in a recent daily build (*) on Ubuntu and imported a jpg
file, and saved as .odt.
That did not show the same error as you report..
So, I've no clue what is happening on your side. sorry,


*) Version:
Build ID: c1258abe50f1508ea0f628ff963bc1914ab86b67
CPU Threads: 2; OS Version: Linux 4.2; UI Render: default;
TinderBox: Linux-rpm_deb-x86@71-TDF, Branch:master, Time:

Cor Nouws
GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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