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Hi Dave,

dave boland schrieb:
On Mon, Dec 7, 2015, at 12:43 PM, Pedro wrote:
dave boland wrote
Yes, I can get am image fairly soon, but how do I share it?  I don't
think they like attachments to the mail forum.
You have two ways: share it in an image sharing site like or
register in Nabble and add an attachment to your next reply here

dave boland wrote
Oh, I have GIMP 2.8.14,
and LO version  The O.S. in Ubuntu 15.15.  Let me see if I can
get an upgrade done to both.
Maybe that is enough to solve the problem and there is no need to upload
image ;)
The image link is  I did upgrade LO and it is
now  However, it still thinks the image is 46" wide.
IrfanViwe tells me, that the picture, which you have uploaded, has 
72dpi. I have opened it in Gimp and scaled it to use 300dpi and export 
it to jpg. For that image IrfanView tells me, that it has 300dpi. So 
perhaps something is wrong when you scale the image?
I have got Gimp 2.8 and use the scaling method "Sinc (Lanczos 3)" and 
100% jpg quality.
Kind regards

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