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On Mon, Dec 7, 2015, at 11:35 AM, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi Dave,

dave boland schrieb:
I'm creating some greeting cards using LO Draw templates I created a few
years ago.  The problem is that Draw gets the dimensions wrong.  I start
with a digital photo of about 3000 x 2000, resize it using GIMP to about
9" x 6"
How do you resize it?
Regina, I use GIMP Image Resize.  Set the image to 300ppi, set the
dimensions to inches, set the size to about 9"W x 6"H.  Once that is
don, I export.

, export as PNG or TIFF,

I don't know about Tiff, but in PNG you can enter the dpi to be used. 
You can use IrfanView to set the dpi. I don't know whether Gimp has such 
I have heard some good things about IrfanView, but I use Linux, and it
doesn't support Linux.

  and import into Draw.  I the past, the
size was correct, but now it is shown as being over 40" wide!  I'm
guessing that Draw assumes 72ppi, where I'm using 300 ppi.  Could
someone confirm this behaviour and let me know what I need to do?
Click on the image. Then press F4 which opens the "Position & Size" 
dialog (or any other way to open that dialog). Check the option "Keep 
ratio" and enter the height or the width which you want for your image.
This is what I do as well.  The imported image size is over 40" wide!

If you intend to use the image as background, then you can set its size 
in the background dialog.
This image is not a background.


  dave boland

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