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Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 2015-12-02 10:12, wrote:
V Stuart Foote wrote:

steveedmonds wrote
Although not relevant to the original posters situation, I would
like to
see a columns tab under the table dialogue that lists the column widths
where you can type in the width of each column. I frequently have to
tweek tables by stealing width from one column to give to another
a number of columns away and without changing table width or other
column widths. It is quite cumbersome at present. Possibly I am
manipulating columns incorrectly and this can already be achieved
You can already do this as well...


Perhaps I'm missing something too, but I think I can see where Steve's
coming from. For example:
- The table is a fixed width or filling the whole page width (and
that's how you want it; selecting "adapt table width" is not desirable)
- Column widths are 1.0", 0.5", 3.0", 3.0", 0.5", 0.5".
- You want to add 2" to column 1 (make it 3.0") and deduct 2" from
column 4 (make it 1.0")

To do this, you have to:
- Set column 1 to 3" (column 2 becomes 0.02", column 3 becomes 0.02",
column 4 becomes 1.97" - didn't want to change columns 2 and 3)
- Set column 2 back to 0.5"; column 4 becomes 1.48"
- Set column 3 back to 0.5"; column 4 becomes 1.0" (finally what was

It would be much easier to:
- Set column 1 to 3"; no other widths change (columns don't add up to
the total width, but that's OK because we're about to fix that)
- Set column 4 to 1"

Even with this fairly simple example it's a bit tricky, but with more
columns at various different widths which may not be nice round
numbers it can be quite difficult to ensure the ones you don't want
changed finish up with the correct widths.


Thanks to Brian, I found tick "Adapt width", make changes as required,
un-tick "Adapt width" works as we would hope.
Is that option available with the table alignment set to automatic? 
Automatic alignment fixes the table width as the paragraph width, which 
disables the "adapt table width" option in LibreOffice 4.4.2, but that 
may have changed in newer versions (I really must update some time, 
particularly having just advised someone else to try doing that!)
It also doesn't allow the table width to go beyond the width of the 
paragraph while making adjustments, but that's not so much of a problem 
since reductions in column width can be done before increases.

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