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List Ahoy:

Charles Schulz wrote: "Also, I'm curious to know what operating system you replaced her existing system with." The original was Vista, and the replacement was Vista. The easiest path, since everything was right there in a recovery partition on the hard drive.
"It looks like you didn't want to migrate the person on Linux."
I don't think you appreciate the depth of resistance to change on the part of the technologically timid. Besides, if I failed to pull off a simple install of LO on a virgin-system machine, what chance would I have with Linux? It was also necessary to re-load the original bundled M$ software, even if only to allow exporting the data trapped in Outlook's .pst file to Thunderbird.
".... perhaps you could reinstall LibreOffice for her if there's a 
working mirror ...."
".... what went wrong with this particular server."
As I said, I fetched LO from at least 2 different mirrors, and I would now expand that to "at least 3", since 5.0.3 apparently defaulted to the University of Texas. Are you suggesting an epidemic amongst them? And, for what it's worth, I found it hard to locate and connect with the download sites on non-default mirrors. None of the home pages of any of the institutions that TDF lists as mirrors showed any obvious path to their download departments, and by just using the links listed no control was afforded.
As said, if the fault is truly in all the many downloads of yesterday, 
then transporting by external drive one or more of the 21 
earlier-edition installers still available on this Curtains 7 machine 
should work. However, I suspect that some negative synergy twixt LO and 
Vista has reared its ugly head here.


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