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On 10/21/2015 10:19 PM, Aureli wrote:
hi, I have just installed LibreOffice 5 in Win10.

When printing a Writer document the images are not printed, only the text.
The option "pictures and objects" is checked in Printer Setup/ options
Also, in Tools /options the same option is active.

If I print the document to PDF, the image does not appear either.
The image is a.jpg file.  I have not tried other image formats but I am sure
I will use .jpg frequently so I'd like to solve this.

I have a HP laserjet and always has printed images from MS Word.  Word has
expired so I installed LO as replacement.

Any ideas on how to solve this?


Which version of LO 5 are you using?
5.0.2, 5.0.1, or 5.0.0?
It would help us narrow down which version has given you the printer issue.

Have you tried to uninstall LibreOffice and remove the user config profile, then reinstall LO? Whenever I have a printer issue with LibreOffice, it seems that there was a corrupt printer setting somewhere in the user profile files. This happened with Windows and Linux systems.

I just upgraded my Windows 10/pro laptop to LibreOffice
I printed a letter size paper sign with an image - to a HP Laserjet 2300dn.

I do have the same "pictures and images" option checked.

Works fine for me. I have not seen any issues with either .jpg or .png files on my Win10/home or my Ubuntu Linux 15.04 laptops running 5.0.x.

Actually I have been creating, and printing, posters/signs with a large .jpg image/photo/graphic as the page background "bitmap" file. Of course I have been using colored printers - Canon MG6220 and a wide format HP Officejet 7000. I have had no issues with printing these images. I print them directly from Writer or via a PDF file and its default viewer/printer package.

Just wondering, have you uninstalled the MS Office packages, since it/they have expired?
You should, if you do not want to pay up to use MS Office/Word again.

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