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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 18 Oct 2015 6:40
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Shortcut changes

James E. Lang wrote:
I am not a user of Base but I am a frequent user of Calc. Shortcut changes are extremely 
disruptive for users. My least favorite (most detested!!) such change occurred in version 4.4 of 
Calc when Alt+E,I was assigned to a brand new menu item in place of "Fill."
That one has caught me out a few times in Calc; I've even lost work because of it a few times. 
Alt+E, I, D used to fill down. Now it reopens the file in read-only edit mode,

[I also used to use Alt+E, I, R; Alt+E, I, L; or Alt+E, I, U to fill right, left, or up 
respectively. Read-only edit mode sounds to me like a self contradictory phrase and having it 
activated instead of fill is certainly disruptive. -- jl]

without saving changes (it does prompt, but the final D selects "Don't Save") Yes, I know there's 
also Ctrl+D to fill down, but for some reason I'm used to Alt+E, I, D and automatically type that.

If they wanted to use Alt+E, I for Edit Mode, I don't really see why it couldn't have been done the 
same as in other menus where several options share the same letter. e.g. in Calc Alt+I brings up 
the insert menu, then H selects between "Hyperlink" and "Headers and Footers" and you have to press 
Enter on the one you want.

[That seems like a reasonable suggestion. -- jl]

For what it's worth, the problem of changing shortcuts is not unique to LibreOffice. In MS Outlook 
2003, Ctrl+S saved a draft of an email, while in Outlook 2007 Ctrl+S sent it without any further 
confirmation. Fortunately I never accidentally sent anything more embarrassing than a half-finished 
response as a result (at least, I don't think I did...)

[I repeat that changing shortcuts disrupts user productivity regardless who does it: MS or LO. I 
hope developers are taking notice. I don't know whether any of them lurk (or even actively 
participate) on this users list. If not then I hope someone harvests ideas from this list and 
summarizes them for the developers. I think a bug report might be overkill but maybe not. Does 
anyone care to weigh in on this? -- jl]


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