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Hi Tim, all,

Le 07/10/15 08:16 AM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster a écrit :

I use US Letter and US Legal sizes of paper, and not A4 or A5.

For me, this seems the easiest way for creating the brochures I produce
from time to time.

I tried the "brochure option" many versions ago, but did not like it due
to printer issues with my HP laser printer and the Epson inkjet I had
back then.  I have not tried it on my Canon printer[s] that I bought
after the Epson printer died.

I just work with the manual brochure formatting [columns and margins],
since it is the way I find easiest for me to use.

I use brochure size for printing concert programs for a music group I 
manage. I do this every month and a half or so.
Here are the settings for US Letter I use that allow me to edit and 
print with very little wasted white space close to the header/footer of 
booklet pages. And, as mentioned elsewhere, the page numbering is done 
These settings work really well.


Set Booklet Page Format
* go to Format->Page
* set Width: 5.50"
* set Height: 8.50
* set Orientation: Portrait
* set all margins to 0.50"

When Editing
*if your monitor is large enough, at bottom of your Writer window, click on "Multipage-view" (it's the icon with 2 separate pages). This will allow you to see 2 pages side by side.
To Print in booklet/brochure format:
* go to File->Print
* in General tab, you will now see the pages represented on the left-hand side
* go to the "Page Layout"
* Pages per sheet: 1
* Order: left to right, then down
* leave "Draw a border around each page" unchecked
* choose "Brochure"
* choose "Page Sides"
** Include: Back sides/left pages
** choose "OK"
** the back sides of pages will all print
** left the pages print then flip the whole pack of pages
** Include: Front sides/right pages
** choose "OK"
** the front sides of the pages will print

That's it! You should be able to fold your printed booklet and/or staple if needed.


Marc Paré Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF) Supports

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