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On 06/12/15 09:59, Italo Vignoli wrote:

XLSX files are always tricky, as they change for every version of MS
I know (and already suggested they switch to ODS).

Which version of MS Office was used to generate the files?
Hard to tell... I'd have to ask my customer and I'm not sure she knows.
It's even possible in some cases [Libre|Open|Neo]Office was used.
In any case I believe they've been working for some time with LibreOffice 4.3 only, and I'm sure some of the files were last saved by LO 4.3 (Mac or Windows).

have a choice between the following formats: ECMA OOXML for MS Office
2007, Transitional OOXML for MS Office 2010, Transitional OOXML for MS
Office 2013, and Strict OOXML for MS Office 2010. Each file format has
Is there any way to tell by opening/unzipping/looking at the files?

 bye & Thanks

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