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On 27/05/15 02:05 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 10:22 27/05/2015 +0900, Thomas Noname wrote:
Is there a trick to tell LibreOffice, in particular Calc, to open files automatically?
Not that I know of. (Perhaps someone knows better.)

Lotus 123 allows to specify a folder and then opens the files therein automatically whenever the software is started. For those administrative tasks, a set of 2-3 files, this is VERY convenient. I would like to convert those 123-files into Calc format and have Calc open them *automatically* whenever I start Calc.
It's worth mentioning that you cannot "start Calc": that's not how 
LibreOffice works. You can do either of two different things: either 
start LibreOffice or start LibreOffice with a new, empty spreadsheet. 
And that tells you something about your problem: if you could do what 
you wanted, there would be no way to prevent your spreadsheet 
documents being opened if you wanted to start LibreOffice to edit a 
text file (or, as you would say, "start Writer") or presentation or 
whatever instead.
I have no problem starting Calc nor opening several spreadsheets "automatically". I select the sheets I open in Dolphin (or any other file manager) and right-click on the selection then select "Open with". Calc is the default program to open .ods documents so they all open.
Since the OP wants a job to run at startup, simply use the command-line 
to do the job:
   libreoffice --calc -o <file1> -o <file2> ...

Put that into a script or a link to a script in your "Autostart" folder (.kde/Autostart on my KDE system).
To open all the files in a folder, just use a loop like this:
  for f in *; do; libreoffice --calc -o $f; done

We don't need no stinking features when we've got a real command line.  :)

There are many workarounds, which depend on your operating system - 
which you have kept a secret. (You appear to be using Windows XP.)
o Your operating system will probably offer a way to start programs at 
start-up - when you log in, that is. You could put your document files 
(or possibly shortcuts to them?) in the appropriate folder.
o You could put your documents or shortcuts to them somewhere 
convenient, such as on the desktop or in the start menu, and then 
click on these when you need the documents open.
o (Probably best) Put the documents in a convenient folder. (You've 
done that already.) Create a shortcut to this on the desktop or in the 
start menu. When you need to open the documents, (1) click or 
double-click the shortcut to open the folder, (2) select all the 
document files together (using Edit | Select All or Ctrl+A?), and (3) 
press Enter to open all the documents (whether or not LibreOffice is 
already running).
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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