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On 2015-05-20 02:16, elcico2001 ??????? wrote:
Hello all,
Need a little help to export from odt to pdf the translated to italian
wg; problem is fields (cross references) regarding figures are not
exported properly; for instance the sentence "see figure 10" becomes
"see 10" and the word figure is lost.

I had the same problem in translating the LO Getting Strated guide using
OmegaT to Slovak. I solved it 'manually'. In OmegaT a string with Figure
reference being translated looks like this:

The technical names for common controls are shown in <t1>Figure 1</t1>:
Názvy bežných ovládacích prvkov sú uvedené na obrázku <t1>1</t1>:

Instead of keeping translation 'obrázku' of 'Figure' inside the t1 tags,
I moved it outside. This worked well. It is possible that LO should be
able translate Figure inside the tags automatically (because of change
of language settings), but aparently this does not work (a bug?). I did
no go deeper into it, since automatic translation would not be useful
for me anyway, since the translation shoud be declinated according to
its context.

I have tried different libo versions (kubuntu 14.04 libo 4.2.8(?) -
winxp libo 4.2.2 - winxp libo 3.6.7 - lubuntu 15.04 libo 4.4.2), but
the only one that works is libo 3.5.4 on debian old-stable.
As I'd like to update my debian old-stable... :)  anyone can help on
this? Could you tell me what is used to export english guides, as I've
seen the problem does not exist for these guides.

Also searched for bugs; just found this one, but I doubt it's the same

Thank you :)
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