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Am 19.05.2015 um 09:35 schrieb Mike Scott:
It's not so much where they're stored, as the access route. This
particular setting - case sensitivity - is stored in the document, but
accessed in a dialogue that one might expect to be concerned with global

There seems to be a similar issue with "precision as shown" on the same
settings page. Not that I, personally, would ever, ever countenance that
as an available option in the first place.

For the Excel documents discussed here there is no way to store anything
at all because Excel does not know any such setting. The issue with
"precision as shown" is the same issue as with any other setting on that
options page. All the calculation settings are document specific to all
ODF spreadsheets. The options dialog needs some way to indicate which
settings are stored in the document and which ones are stored in the
user profile.
The solution to this topic for all kinds of spreadsheet documents is the
EXACT function.

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