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I din't remember if this has already been mentioned in this thread, but you can do this simply with 
an Autoformat.

Just take 3 rows of your table (or create a special table for this). Then color the rows 
alternatively. Or you can color the header row with a different color if so desired. Then select 
these 3 rows and click "Table -> AutoFormat". Click "Add"" and give your autoformat a name. 
Then select the table to be formatted and Autoformat it with the newly created AutoFormat. You can 
indicate if you want a header row.

You can also create the AutoFormat in a Calc spreadsheet, but there you need at least a 3x3 
rectangle. In a Writer table you only need at least 3 rows.

It is also possible to do striped columns, then you would need at least 3 columns.

Some Caveats:
1. In Calc If you give the new AutoFormat a name that lexicographically sorts before "Default", 
e.g. when it starts with A, B or C, then it just disappears. In Writer that is not the case.

2. If you later insert or delete an odd number of rows from the table, they will no longer be 
alternatively colored. You will have to re-apply the format.

3. An autoformat has a column header (the first row) that you can disable when applying the 
AutoFormat. It also has a totals row at the bottom, and a rows header column and a totals column at 
the right that you cannot disable (This is a design error). If you don't color your columns 
differently the row header and Totals columns are no problem. But the Totals row always gets the 
color of the last row in the AutoFormat, and so if your AutoFormat has an even number of rows 
(excluding a possible header row), and your table has an odd number of rows, or vice versa, then 
the last row will get the wrong color. You can correct this by creating the table with one row 
more, and then deleting the last row. If you would have striped columns, I guess the same will 
happen in the other direction, but I haven't tried.

Piet van Oostrum <>
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

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