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Am 28.03.2015 um 12:00 schrieb Michael Tiernan:
On 3/28/15 6:20 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
That is exactly the most perfect use-case that would be better in a
database than in a spreadsheet. 
Not really since, while for me the prospect of using a DB back end isn't
daunting, for most it is.

Secondly, this is the perfect use-case where a DB back end can't be used
since the process of collecting the data for populating the SS was
organic and constantly changing until it arrived at the current state it
is in where yes, putting a backend on it would work very well BUT, I
can't then send a copy to my co-workers and ask them to use it without
their heads exploding.

If we are talking about a flat list, you can save the list as a dBase
table in a dedicated directory on a shared network folder, connect a
Base document to the directory and distribute the Base document to your
You can collect data in "organic" sheets and copy the cleaned up data to
a database table. Your co-workers can open a spreadsheet linked to the
clean and consistent database data.
Flat dBase data can be edited in the data source window or by means of
input forms which are way more user friendly than spreadsheet.

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