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Am 25.02.2015 um 17:14 schrieb Regina Henschel:

hw schrieb:

how can I make a self-written function (i. e. a macro) available for all
spreadsheets so that I can use this function for any spreadsheet I
create or load and modify?

Ideally, this should work with multiple users in that I'd like to deploy
the macro(s) somewhere central for others to use.

In addition to the suggestions by Andreas, in the Basic Organizer, you
can export a macro library to an extension (file name .oxt). When you
then install this extension "for all users" the library goes to
<installation directory>/share/uno_packages/... and with the next start
of LibreOffice another user will find it in its UI in "LibreOffice

But although this works in general, it will not work for Basic
functions, which are written to be used in Calc formulas, see and likely the same root
cause in
Thank you very much!  This is good to know, though currently, it is 
actually a macro written in BASIC.  It provides some functions to be 
used with spreadsheets.
BTW, is there a macro readily available somewhere to genearate EAN-13 
codes for spreadsheets?  I got something for perl which I could 
translate, and it might save time if there's already a function for 
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