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Yes, the Styles and Formatting window does not appear.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 12:10 AM, Brian Barker <>

At 20:29 20/02/2015 -0500, Taang Zomi wrote:

The Styles and Formatting (F11) under Format did not work.

Er, do you mean that the Styles and Formatting window does not appear? Or
does it appear but then not function in some sense? Can you successfully
select the type of style using the buttons at the top of the Styles and
Formatting window?

o What happens if you go to Format | Styles and Formatting?
o Or press F11?
o Or click the Styles and Formatting button in the Formatting toolbar?
o Or press Alt+O, Y?
o Or click the Styles and Formatting button in the LibreOffice sidebar?

Have you restarted LibreOffice?

Have you restarted your computer?

Have you merely lost the window off the screen? Are you using Windows?
o When you press F11 (or whatever), does the LibreOffice title bar become
dimmed - indicating that another window (the one you have lost) has taken
o With the main title bar still dimmed, press Alt+Space and then M.
o Press any of the keyboard arrow keys once.
o Now move the mouse until the outline of the missing window is somewhere
o Click the mouse.

At 20:35 20/02/2015 -0500, Taang Zomi wrote:

I will install the former version.

Isn't it a bit unlikely to be a bug in the later version? Wouldn't
millions of users then be asking the same question?

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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