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Best Sirs,
From mr Asaibene's message I think it is obvious -- at least we can assume -- that he is rather familiar with using speadsheets (e.g. LO/Calc) and knows the basics, he has reloaded the LO program -- and he described a simple calculation that is all correct but showed the result that is in no way normal
whatever his (operating)system is.
The answers mr Asaibene has got are of course correct but not relevant.

One point is that if a word processor (e.g. Writer) does not work correctly you can see or notice it and correct it, but if a spreadsheet program (e.g. LO/Calc) does not behave or do the calculations correctly you may not be aware of the failures and draw wrong conclutions -- a spreadsheet program is worse than worthless if you cannot trust it "150%". A couple of years ago I experienced some that sort of problems with LO/Calc why I still try to check the results in every project of importance.
Mr Asaibene's message is alarming:  if a spreadsheet behaves odd in 
small then there can be more serious issues.
I think mr Asaibene should post a bug report.
Pertti Rönnberg

On 19.2.2015 16:18, Cley Faye wrote:
I'm pointing the obvious, but anyway...

### as a formula result usually mean that the cell is too narrow for the
result to be displayed. Is that a possibility here?

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