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Hi :)
Good point.  I usually get on with other things while the download is
going on so it might take me even more time but i notice it less.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 30 January 2015 at 20:19,  <> wrote:
That depends what he meant by "arrived", and on his connection speed. I get
about 2-3Mbps, and downloading the LibreOffice installer did take around 15
minutes yesterday. Which is to be expected of a ~200MB download at that sort
of speed.

Some browsers give very little indication while a download is in progress,
and then pop up a message when it completes, so it may well seem not to be
doing much for that time, and then suddenly "arrive".


Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
The 15min delay is unusual!  Maybe your router needs rebooting to
declutter it?  It could easily have been something else but hopefully
rebooting the router is fairly easy.  Errr, they don't always have an
on/off button so sometimes you have to pull the power-cable out and
doing that feels horribly wrong!  So if you don't fancy it then don't
do it! ;)
Regards from
Tom :)

On 29 January 2015 at 21:43, cliff barney <> wrote:
         guess i panicked too soon.  the libre download arrived after 15
minutes or so.

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