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At 22:07 27/11/2015 +1000, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
On 27 Nov 2015 at 11:11, Brian Barker wrote:
At 03:56 27/11/2015 -0500, Edwar Cifuentes wrote:
On 11/26/2015 09:26 AM, Tom Webb wrote:
On 2015-11-25 17:26, Edwar Cifuentes wrote:
When using functions like MAX on a 2d range how can I get the cell's address/reference returned instead of the result value?
e.g. if I have this table starting at A1...
1    2    3
4    5    6
How can I get ... C2 Instead of ... 6

I know I could something containing MATCH if it were just a single row or column but here I have a table spanning several rows and columns and there seems to be no equivalent of MATCH for these situations.
The following will find the address of the Max value. If there 
are duplicate values it shows the last location.
This is an array function and you need to use Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter.
Hey, this works!
Sadly, I don't think it does. If the largest value happens to be 
duplicated in different rows and columns, the formula generates the 
address of neither but instead that of the intersection of that row 
and that column. Try changing either B1 or A2 to 7: for such 
separate changes the formula works. But now change both B1 and A2 
to 7: the formula generates neither B1 nor A2 but B2 - which is not 
either of the cells containing the equal largest values.
In my testing, I didn't see that, it appears to result with the last 
one highest values.
So you cannot have tested with the particular rogue case I 
identified, then: identical largest values in both different rows and 
different columns? The problem will show up, of course, only if the 
intersection of the relevant row and column - the incorrect result - 
doesn't happen to be one of the cells containing those identical 
largest values.
Brian Barker  

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