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On 10/06/2015 05:42 PM, wrote:
I'm not much of an expert, but I suspect that's not how outline numbering is intended to be used. I think it's more like for chapters in a text book, where you wouldn't have a Chapter 3 followed by Chapter 3.x.1 without having a Chapter 3.1 in between. The outline numbering can then be used to create the table of contents (which wouldn't usually include your "Normal text" paragraphs).
I think list styles should do what you want for the "normal text" 
sections. Use the Heading X styles and outline numbering for your 
headings, and create a list style for applying the A, i numbering to 
your normal text. On the list style settings, look into the Outline 
tab, which has preset styles for multi-level lists, pick one which is 
close to what you want and then tweak it on the Options tab.
I tried list styles, which gave me bullets. I then tried numbering 
styles for my normal text, and then selected an appropriate outline list 
from the drop down box. But, then I got the following results:

 1 Heading 1

1. Text

    a. Text

        i. Text

            A. Text

 2 Heading 1

2. Text

3. Text

   2.1 Heading 2

4. Text

5. Text

As you can see, my normal text doesn't start over in numbering after the headings. I think the reason for this is that it is not in the same outline hierarchy as the headings outline. When I checked online for bug reports on outline numbering, I found that many were complaining that the Numbering styles just keep going up in value even with intervening text between the lists. That's what I found here. I couldn't see any setting that would allow me to tell the numbering to start over after each heading, which is what one would want in an outline.
This is why I originally set up my outline in one 10 level list with 
both heading and normal levels in the same hierarchy. And, until 
recently, it seemed to work for me.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep playing with it.

(and I, too, love Spam, at least the edible kind)


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