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2015-07-04 13:01 GMT-03:00 Thomas Blasejewicz <>:
Good evening

I made a fresh install of Mint 17.1, 64-bit on a Dell Optiplex 745 machine.
Mint comes with LibreOffice
Since there is a newer version ( available, I downloaded and
installed it.
However, I now have under (Mint) Menu -> Office TWO Libreoffice items
each (Writer, Calc etc.).
In the newer version I am not able to modify / install an extensions.
I get errors like:

"Error while installing extension Alternative searching. The error
message is: an error occurred during file opening
The extension will not be installed."

"Error reading data from the Internet.
Server error message: Could not read status line: Connection reset by peer."

"General Internet error has occurred."

Somehow I suspect, the old package gets in the way (this kind of trouble
with extensions has NEVER happened
on any computer with ANY OS before) and I would like to remove it ...
but don't know how.
Software Manager and Synaptic Package Manger show only ONE version of

Is there a trick to do this?
What are the chances this will solve the extension problem?
I am also wondering why the newer version did not replace the older one.

Thank you.

To have the latest version I recommend remove installed versions, add
PPA repositories and install from there.

Comunidad LibreOffice Argentina

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