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Awesome response, Tim - many, many thanks.

I couldn't check my home desktop (I'm at work right now), but whenever
I get back there I will.


On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 4:33 AM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster
<> wrote:
On 06/30/2015 04:04 PM, MR ZenWiz wrote:
I have been searching for this and I can't seem to find the right setting.

I have three or four installations of LO on various computers.  On
some of them, LO Writer automatically converts 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 into
the symbols for such (½ ¼ ¾).  On others, the letters remain

I'm reasonably certain there is a setting for this in one of the
options, but I can't find it in Help and I can't figure out which one
it's supposed to be in the Options lists.




You must activate the replacement table in the AutoCorrect options.
Sometimes it seems that some of the options in "Options" tab need to be
enabled or disabled after your standard install - or clean install.  At
least I have seen that happen on my Linux [.deb] and Windows [XP,Vista,Win7]
systems, over the past few years.

Do you have DejaVU Sans installed?

The Tools / AutoCorrect / Replace [tab] Replacement Table option
seems to have DejaVU as the font and grayed out.

There does not seem to be a way to ungray that font option anywhere - or at
least on 4.3.4 64-bit .deb installs.
[I just have not updated this system to 4.4.3, and not 4.4.4, yet]

I do know that your fraction does change format with the font.
Most fonts seem to use the ¼ - i.e. side by side - format, but not all of

Comic Sans MS has the format where the number "/" number is lined up on top
of each other, as a single character.


There is a "big" difference in font set versions.  "DejaVU Sans Mono" is a
cross between what "Comic Sans MS" and "DejaVU Sans", almost top to bottom
instead of side by side.

Actually, if you really want to have more fraction options, there are font
where every "special character" shown is a fraction.

In the "standard" fonts with some of the Unicode characters/glyphs, here are
the "special character" list you have the following options for fractions:
[not shown in the special character format]

1/4   3/4

Number Forms
1/7  1/9  1/10
1/3  2/3
1/5  2/5  3/5  4/5
1/6  5/6
1/8  3/8  5/8  7/8

To be honest, if you need other fractions, or do not want the replacement
table to make a mathematic "ratio" into a fraction, then you can just use
the superscript and subscript font options.

i.e.   superscript top number and subscript bottom one. ^11 /_15
[hopefully the 11 and 15 are shown in the super and sub script formats]

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