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Screen tearing issue with NVidia may be resolved by changing Vertical Sync to Adaptive.
Start video at  URL below at 40 seconds.

The video is from 2013 and may not quite match, but you get the idea.

Hope this helps.

On 4/22/2015 11:17 AM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
Good night = morning from Japan
I believe I did ask the same question in the past related to an
installation on a Win XP machine:
moving through documents (Writer) in LibreOffice while editing sometimes
(constantly!) sort of blurrs/freezes the screen.
That means, characters/lines/text sections "disappear", look like
smeared ink or are displayer overlapping.
The "problem" is solved, by switching to another Writer document and back.
That's fine, but still rather stupid and happens ONLY with Writer (not
yet noticed in Calc).

Computer: just bought a new one, running Windows 8.1 (= a nightmare!!!),
8 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD = OS + 1 TB HDD
and probably a whole lot of fancy high-tech stuff I not capable of

So, I would LOVE to believe, that there cannot be any sort of
"insufficient power".

IS there a trick to convince the display to work smoothly???
Thank you.

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