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At 13:24 17/04/2015 +0000, Gary Collins wrote:
What I was saying is this: When I change input language, I change it using the keyboard/language selector on the windows taskbar. In the post I was responding to, it was suggested that the language selector button (or whatever it's called) at the bottom of the writer window could be used to change input language. However, when I try to use that button, it doesn't present the range of choices that I have from the Windows taskbar.

From the Windows taskbar language icon, I can choose from Russian, Greek (polytonic) or English. From the adjacent keyboard icon (with English language selected) I can choose from United Kingdom, Akkadian United Kingdom Extended or United Kingdom Extended - Latin.

From the language button at the bottom of the Writer window, the only choice I have is between English (UK) and English (USA). I don't know if it should offer me the same languages as the windows taskbar, or if its purpose is more limited.

These are very different things, I think. You need both.

o The keyboard choices you have enabled in Windows (and which can be selected in the Windows taskbar) can indeed be described as "input languages", since they govern the relationship between the keys you press and the corresponding characters that are transmitted to whatever application you are using (or to Windows itself). Changing this choice potentially modifies the character that you will see when you press any key.

o Within a text document (e.g. in LibreOffice Writer), you may want to use a spelling checker and a thesaurus and to have automatic hyphenation. To complete any of these tasks, the application needs to know which language you mean the text to be in - and so how to treat it. You may also wish to set the language of some text as "[None]" in order to disable these processes. You can set the language in Writer in various ways, since language is a character property, a character style property, and a paragraph style property (but not a paragraph property, although an entire paragraph can be given a language setting using the character property, of course). The indication in the Status Bar is of the effect of all of these settings on the current selection or at the cursor position.

If you, say, wish to start typing in Russian in an otherwise English document, you will need to change keyboard setting in Windows and will also wish to change the language setting in Writer. You can do this through a context menu from the Status Bar indication; you may well see only a couple of languages there, but the full set is available via the More... item - leading to the Font tab of the Character dialogue. You will certainly find Greek and Russian there. Note, though, that you may well prefer to set the language property using either character styles or paragraph styles, rather than using the direct character formatting provided through the Status Bar facility.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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